A New Stage in Life

My American Art History class has finally reached the point in the course where we learn about Post-modernism and how new doesn’t always mean better and with all of the technology that we’ve been given, maybe we need to re-learn how to communicate and relate to one another. Many times we spend hours in front of the tv, computer or game console isolating ourselves and we wonder why we have anxiety being around other people and the thought of moving out of our parent’s house is debilitating. The youth of middle-class America haven’t been given the tools needed to become independent because our parents want to give us everything they never had growing up, but it’s a disservice. And if we want to find the career path that is going to make us happy, which may be a postmodern concept because we can’t all be American Idols, doctors and Basketball stars, after all, we have to learn how to work and be, not just independent, but self-sufficient.

I say all of this because it took me a long time to figure out that I could learn to work hard. I worked on my undergraduate studies thinking I could become a doctor so that I could do good in the world, help people, but more importantly support myself and my future family. It didn’t work out that way, because I wasn’t able to keep up with the studies for the pre-med program and I ended up taking philosophy and art courses instead. It took me four long years to reconcile the issue of being an artist and trying to become financially successful in a way that I know is very Americanized and the idea that success instantaneous and does not come from financial independence. It comes from giving every task everything that you have: your full attention and your best work, whether it is waiting tables or putting a brush to the canvas. Right now I’m sitting in the living room trying to get through a mountain of work: school work, GRE prep, marketing clients, Docent training manuals, the list goes on and on, while my husband is walking around the house with his guitar in hand working on the next “big hit.”

These Animals is working on their first full-length album and working with Directions International for their webisode feature on the DI internet tv channel that is in production as we speak. I never would have thought that we would be living outside of New York City and working on making it all happen.

At the end of the month I will be taking the GRE test to apply for grad school for Fall 2012 to work on a master’s degree in Art History. I’m incredibly nervous and I keep reminding myself that even if the master’s degree doesn’t lead me to a job in Marketing, Development and Curating in a museum or gallery (my career of choice) I know that it will give me the education I need to become more appreciative of art and perhaps lead me to teach, paint or even write, or maybe all of the above.

A lot of us have goals about what we want to be when we grow up, where we see ourselves in five or ten years and what we think it might look like when we finally move into the career path of our choosing. It means a lot of hard work and sleepless nights. But if you have a willing heart and set aside the self-doubt, simply doing the work necessary to get to the place that you dream about can be satisfying if you are patient.

Four Shows in Six Days

This week has been a whirlwind!

Friday night at the Brillobox in Pittsburgh, PA with Big Hurry, Saturday night at the Meeker Avenue Flea Market on Frost Street and Monday night at The Rock Shop in Brooklyn with Glorious Veins, and (last but not least) Wednesday night at the Cakeshop in Manhattan on Ludlow Street with Infinity Holtel.

Love the fact that the boys are playing so many shows this month, but boy am I beat! Keep a look out for more shows in the NYC area. These Animals is on the lookout for like-minded bands to put together consistent shows in Brooklyn and Manhattan. So if you guys have any great suggestions, let us know! And don’t forget to head on over to Facebook for more details about future shows.

In other news, I’ve been pretty happy with using watercolors over my “doodles” and thought I would try out abstractions. Let me know what you think!

These Animals in Pittsburgh

This weekend These Animals will be in Pittsburgh, PA with Big Hurry at the Brillobox starting at 9:00pm. I will be the girl helping out with merch and carrying around a camera taking pictures. We will also be at an amazing free show in Brooklyn this Saturday, October 22nd for the CMJ Festival and there will be FREE drinks for all guests over 21!

There are going to be a couple weekday shows, too: Monday, October 24th at The Rock Shop and Wednesday, October 26th at the Cakeshop (yes, it’s a lot of Shops!) For more information and updates on these and any more shows on the These Animals Facebook page.

Thursday, October 20th was my friend, Sarah’s birthday and I was inspired to create this little piece:

I’m hoping to make it on larger paper so I can have more detail with the head and feet.



Peace, Love and Cupcakes

Somehow I’ve gotten SUPER busy…..I went from leaving my full-time job and cruising for the summer so that I could enjoy more time with my husband, family and friends, go on tour with this amazing band, so I could find out what my next step would be, to having multiple and possibly new clients (let’s hope!) whom I will be assisting with their online marketing local community events endeavors, going back to school for Art History, applying for grad schools for next fall, docent training at a local museum, and recently I started working at a little cafe for extra moolah.

I’ve also started getting back into my artwork, which feels amazing, and I hope to move all of my pursuits towards supporting young, local artists and grassroots artistic projects. I sometimes feel like I already live in an artist collective with all of the raw talent that hangs out at my house. My husband and I also have super talented roommates, but having all of these people around feels much more like having a family who shares their space, their time, their food and their passions with one another. One of our roommates will be moving out by the end of the month and it’s going to be a huge transition. He’s a major player in helping everyone stay motivated because of all that he does. He’s in a band, he’s an artist and he also recently quit his full-time job to give to spend all of his time on his music and illustrations. He inspires all of us to be better at what he do, and not only that, but think about how to be financially successful while doing it. So this post goes out to Adam McHeffey, musician, artist, illustrator and entrepreneur.

My husband cleaned out his studio/office today so that everyone could come in and practice or lounge and just hang out, and it’s going to make it more noticeable when Adam leaves.

As for my artwork, today’s drawing is about world peace, which, as many of you would agree, could be solved with baked goods. If everyone made cupcakes for their friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances and threatening super-powers, the world would be a much friendlier place. Don’t you think?

Band T-shirts

Last week I worked on set for a zombie short as make-up artist and videographer….

This week I’m trying to come up with good ideas for a band t-shirt for my husband’s band, These Animals. I started thinking about some themes that the band has; the lead singer has a great tattoo inspired by an artist on Etsy and I thought it would be brilliant to make a shirt out of that, but unless we create our own design, we need to get permission from her in order to sell merchandise with the artwork on it. So I started painting and illustrating and I came up with a couple of ideas…

It’s all still in the works because as anyone who’s ever been in or worked with a rock band knows, every member has their own tastes and opinions that have to be weighed in before decisions can be reached, so these may not make it to any These Animals shows, but please feel free to tell me what you think!

Zombies and Julia Roberts


Hubby has been working on his reel to promote his foley capabilities (see: n., “sound geek”) and I got to put on my makeup artist cap. Adam McHeffey from Swear and Shake volunteered to be lead zombie, terrorizing our suburban neighborhood. We had to stop a couple of times to let the cars and neighbors go by, all of them gawking as they passed, but the shots are great and I hope to send you all an update for that by next week.


The painting is coming along, but my brush technique is sorely lacking, so I’m going to keep it moving through the week, but if it doesn’t look the way I want by the weekend I may take some advice and work on something I’m more familiar with than portraits.

And the small beta fish might turn into a robot after seeing the “Art of Contemporary Illustration” at the Bendheim Gallery in the Greenwich Arts Council building with works by Ted Mikulski. It’s a free show in Greenwich, CT that will be up until November 6th, so if you get the chance, check it out!

Who Does It Look Like?

My husband thinks this looks like a creepy beginning to a painting of our roommate’s girlfriend, Selena.

If you think you know who it is, tell me! Of course, I already know who it is and I’m hoping that the painting will eventually look the way I want, but we’ll see!

I’m totally excited about the Pittsburgh show, and I’m hoping to catch a few sights while I’m there. If you’re nearby, come hang out! We always like hanging out with new, cool people! But we need more t-shirts and we’re thinking of coming up with a new design. The last one was designed by a great friend of mine and fabulous photog, Jessica Lehrman.

This time around, we’re still in the design stage, but I might be putting together a few patches and scarves for the chilly weather. I’ll be posting designs here, so be sure to stop by for updates!


Closer to a Portrait

The latest installment of my latest painting is a second layer of white vis a vis Gilbert Stuart (thank you, American Art History class!) that will eventually become a portrait. I’m starting to get a little nervous because the next step is to try to make a recognizable face, not just so the viewer will recognize who is in the portrait, but that it will look like a face at all…

I’ve also started working on a smaller canvas, complete with underpainting. I’m going to apply the next layer just like the larger painting in order to create that patina that I love, but instead of a portrait, I’m thinking of painting a beta fish, but we’ll see.

We’re going to be back in Pittsburg on the 21st and I’m hoping that we will be able to see some family, too. So if you’re in the area and you love great music and hanging out, come see These Animals play at the Brillobox!

Painting Update

Practice is going well for the guys: lots of new writing, some gigs and hopefully some video footage of the upcoming shows.

I’m hoping to spend a few days in Albany for that show and I may even be the second camera person!

in other news, I’ve laid on the second layer for my recent painting. The white over the original colors gives it a really great patina but I’ve been advised to sand it down to let the colors come through a bit more and I have to agree. At least I know that if I don’t like it then I can put some more white paint afterwards. Enjoy!

Took me long enough!!

"Julia Roberts"Even though the tour has been over for a few (OK maybe more!) days, it’s taken me a while to get my bearings back in order. So I’m going back to school after being away for four years and working towards getting a Master’s Degree in Art History. Why, you ask? Because I know that while my day job is in social media and communications, I know that I can learn those ins-and-outs from real-time work experience. But the Art, now that’s a different story. I want to be told why and how and with whom did Jeff Koons made this or that. And unless you apprentice under a master art curator or collector, you’ve got to go back to the books. Of course I’ll be going to galleries and museums to see it in person. But those little comment cards only tell you so much, ya know?

So on the cusp of thirty, I’m heading into the next phase of life and with it comes an awakening of creativity. And maybe that isn’t the right word, maybe it’s just that with age comes less fear. So I’m not afraid to paint something and put it on the internet. And luckily for me, that’s what Art is all about right now: “So what? Who Cares?” But I do want to know what you think because I like the criticism and knowing if I’ve touched on something that you’ve been thinking of, too.

Oh, yeah. About the band: tons of shows next month including a potential Double Feature with some great friends. New music is being written and they’re hoping to put it in your home by the year’s end. So come see us if you’re in BKLYN and send us some love by downloading the music and checking them out on Youtube.
